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CHA Sneaks streaming in…

Ashley has been hard at work at The Scrap Review compiling a one-stop location for CHA Winter sneaks. Click on the blinkie to see the entire list – it’s being updated daily. Everything I’ve seen so far seems very vintage-y. Looking forward to seeing...

O happy day

As I mentioned last week, we had big doings around here on Mother’s day – Molly’s first communion. I busted out the camera for the first time in a while (I’ve been a slacker!) and now have lots of material for scrapping. For this first layout,...

Good times…

I love to read. My daughter also loves to read. I love that she loves to read and I encourage her interest as much as possible. She’s a big fan of the Judy Moody book series and when we heard about a book signing for the latest book (thanks Elaine!) we made...