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I love to read. My daughter also loves to read. I love that she loves to read and I encourage her interest as much as possible. She’s a big fan of the Judy Moody book series and when we heard about a book signing for the latest book (thanks Elaine!) we made plans to check it out. Wouldn’t you know, we were in line to get the book signed when I realized that I forgot my camera but thanks to the wonders of camera phones (thanks again Elaine!) I was able to record the great event 🙂 The most exciting part was meeting Peter Reynolds, the illustrator for the series who told Molly she looked like Judy Moody! If you are ever in Dedham, MA you should check out the Blue Bunny book store – loads of great books and toys.

Supplies can be found at DesignerDigitals

In other news, I was lucky enough to do a little guest spot at Jenni Bowlin this week – you can check it out at the Jenni Bowlin Studio Inspiration blog. And I also reviewed the latest, and possibly the cutest Halloween line ever Whoo-ligans by Bo Bunny over at the Scrap Review. Quick, go leave a comment before Thursday night and you could win some for yourself!