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Good Monday morning everybody (or afternoon if you are down under!). It’s the start of a new week which means it’s time for a new inspiration challenge. This week’s ad has room for LOTS of photos – it would be great for those teeny tiny prints you get on contact sheets – does anyone get those any more?

For my interpretation I decided to use iPhone and instagram photos. I try to take at least one every day so I had plenty to choose from for my summer celebration spread:

Supplies from Designer Digitals

What do you think? Does this inspire you? Let me know if it makes its way into a layout (same for any of my earlier inspiration pieces). Can’t you see this one remade using avatars from online profiles? I can! Oh be sure to check out Write.Click.Scrapbook today where I am hosting, and The Scrap Review for my latest review – plus, there’s a giveaway. It’s busy Monday! And now I’m off to meet a dear online friend – love it when we get to meet in real life.