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Looking back at January…

It seems crazy that I haven’t scrapped birthday photos of Molly’s January birthday but truth be told, it was a bit of a non-event. She doesn’t like a fuss so she wanted to go out to eat (but not let the waitstaff know!) and have ice-cream (not cake)...

Butterbeer and other ramblings

Hello? Remember me? Probably not. It’s been, gasp, almost a year since I posted here. I’ve fallen off the scrapbooking wagon – life, the universe and everything got in the way. But I miss it, so I’m trying to climb back on. Slowly, but surely....

Happy Mother’s Day!

It’s Mother’s Day in the US and I asked for a photo with my children – they are not fans of getting their photos taken these days so it’s good when I can get them to agree to one. Wishing all the moms out there a beautiful, peaceful...

Day 18: keeping on going (backwards)

The thing about not taking many photos is that I have now scrapped all my 2015 photos*, so I’m moving back to 2014. Here’s Halloween: *I do have a few snow photos to scrap but since there’s still so much snow around (and more in the forecast), I just...

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Despite expressions that might suggest otherwise – no children were harmed in the taking of these photographs. That’s what I get for trying to take pictures before school I guess. Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone!