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I’ve been working hard all week but have very little that I can show for my efforts. I finished up my video for  Spawn of True Scrap (whew! I’m nervous about making videos) – there’s still time to sign up and if you do before 9/30 you’ll be eligible to win some fabulous prizes (see below). I also worked on my Masterful Scrapbook Design guest teacher materials for next month’s seminar on Pages the Record Current Events, News, Trends, Fashions, Fads and More. I’m very excited to see what October brings, I’m always impressed with what Debbie puts together. I’m also working on my next review for The Scrap Review. There’s never a dull moment around here – unfortunately, it means that I don’t have anything to share.

In lieu of crafty stuff I leave you with tidbits that have been amusing me lately:

Draw a Stick  – fun for the whole family! I made everybody here do this last night. It cracked me up!

And I overheard the following conversation:
Tommy (age 7): Emperor Palpatine, blah blah, multiple Star Wars references, blah, blah.
Molly (age 8): You have a much better vocabulary than I do.
Tommy: What’s that?

And that, my friends, is the definition of irony 🙂