by paula | Mar 6, 2012 | Blog, calvinball
Oh yeah. Calvinball has taken off like no other year. The rules are changing by the minute, but I’m still going to go by the rules I posted on Sunday. Of course at the end I can add on my “bonus” points to bring me up to whatever Celeste has...
by paula | Mar 4, 2012 | Blog, calvinball
For the past few years Doris, Celeste and I race to see who can complete the most projects during the month of February. We call it Calvinball. There is no prize – just bragging rights, a stack of completed projects and of course, the opportunity to trash talk your...
by paula | Mar 3, 2011 | Blog, calvinball, Core'dinations, Get It Scrapped, Jillibean Soup, layouts,
Far be it from me to shy away from an opportunity to use a pun. I’m sorry, it’s a disease. :oIt’s been a while since I last updated – I was hit with a nasty cough, school vacation followed by a nasty head cold. I did continue with Calvinball...
by paula | Feb 4, 2011 | Blog, calvinball, Designer Digitals, layouts
Two quickies today – both digital, bringing my Calvinball total up to 25. I’m not sure what the others are up to, I’m hoping for an update later on.Supplies from Designer Digitals – template by Anna AspnesSupplies from Designer Digitals –...
by paula | Feb 3, 2011 | Blog, calvinball, Core'dinations, Designer Digitals, layouts
Calvinball scores that I’m aware of right now stand at: Celeste 44 (gasp! –that includes 52 valentines for her kids), Doris 3 and Paula 24. We also have new players – Betsy 3 and Jill 2. Breaking my 24 down, today I made: 24 valentines (=12 pts, I...
by paula | Feb 2, 2011 | Blog, calvinball, Designer Digitals, layouts
We’ve been besieged by snow yesterday and today which is both good and bad for scrapping/Calvinball. Good – I can’t go anywhere so I’m able to stay in and scrap. Bad – not everybody in the house with me wants me to scrap all the time 🙂...
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