by paula | Jan 18, 2012 | Blog, Designer Digitals, photography
I’ve been seeing tons of posts all over the internet, galleries, facebook, pinterest of various people’s takes on Project Life. I almost succumbed to the peer pressure. Almost. Then I remembered that I already had a plan for my year (photo-a-day and...
by paula | Apr 5, 2011 | Blog, Designer Digitals, layouts, photography,
How did that happen? We’re almost a week into April now…eeps! This month’s theme for the Write.Click.Scrapbook gallery is Imperfect Photos. Now *that’s* something that I have plenty of! For my layout I used photos that Molly took at the Museum...
by paula | Jan 29, 2011 | Blog, Designer Digitals, layouts, photography
I did it! I took a photo a day for 2010 and managed to finish up a layout for every week. I had to use a combination of my date book and emails to remember everything that happened over the course of the year because I made the layouts every few months but I *think* I...
by paula | Jun 3, 2009 | Blog, Get It Scrapped, photography
Ever wanted to learn how to use your camera? I mean really USE it, learn how to compose interesting photographs and finally know what all those buttons and knobs are on your camera? You do? Me too! The awesomely talented Katrina Kennedy is going to be teaching a...
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