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I’ve been seeing tons of posts all over the internet, galleries, facebook, pinterest of various people’s takes on Project Life. I almost succumbed to the peer pressure. Almost. Then I remembered that I already had a plan for my year (photo-a-day and gratitude journal) and I really didn’t need to add another project into the mix. I really want to try a week in the life type of album sometime this year but for now, project life is not for me. I’m happy with what I’ve planned and so far, at day 18 of 2012, I’ve stuck with it. 🙂

The fabulous Pattie Knox came up with a great new template for project 365, she even whipped up a portrait version of her original landscape-oriented template:

I’m using Speed Byte No. 164

Here’s week 1:

Other credits at Designer Digitals.

And week 2 (very similar):

I’m finding that sticking with iPhone photos is actually taking the pressure off. I don’t expect or try to take the perfect photo. I just take any photo. When I did this project before (in 2008 and 2010), I started off trying to learn how to use my camera better but then scrambled to get a decent picture. No such illusions using my cell phone camera!

I’m going to keep the white mat consistent throughout the year but switch out the patterned paper background. It’s photo-focused and simple but it works for what I’m trying to accomplish. Plus, I did these two pages in about a half an hour – most of that was spent picking the background paper, oh and moving the date tags around!

So, how about you? Are you attempting project 366 this year? Or Project Life? How is it going?