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How did that happen? We’re almost a week into April now…eeps! This month’s theme for the Write.Click.Scrapbook gallery is Imperfect Photos. Now *that’s* something that I have plenty of! For my layout I used photos that Molly took at the Museum of Natural History a few weeks ago – bad lighting, blurry images the works. I’m glad I did this – I’d never have used these photos otherwise!

Supplies at Designer Digitals

Speaking of bad photos, I recently made a purchase at the Photojojo store – the pop-up flash bounce. It a hood for your on-camera flash that contains a mirror that directs the flash on your camera up, bouncing it off the ceiling to create even, natural light. For years I’ve switched off my flash, bumped my ISO way up and used my 50mm lens in an effort to get good low-light photos. This was fine sometimes but a disaster for Christmas, birthdays and other events. I’m really hoping that this will do the job! My initial testing has been promising! Here’s the 1st photo – taken with my camera + flash on auto. Check out the yucky shadows behind his head and the bad colors (this is straight out of the camera):

And now with the pop-up flash bounce (again SOOC):

Pretty cool, eh? I’m excited to try it out at the next indoor event I go to. Oh and if you’re wondering, the frames are Fastened Frames no. 4 by Katie Pertiet, aren’t they clever? Love them!