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Happy Mother’s Day

credits at Designer Digitals.It’s a good day when everybody gives you something they made themselves. And the kids *have* to pose nicely for a photo because it’s your day. Happy happy mother’s day!If you are interested in learning how to digi-scrap,...

Inspiration, part 3 – music

Welcome to week 3 of my inspiration series! I’m posting inspiration pieces every Thursday in March as my contribution to the Get It Scrapped Get Blogging challenge. This week I’m moving on to music, specifically cd covers, or whatever they call them these...

Doodling around

You know how new year’s resolutions go gangbusters in January and then fall off as the year progresses? Well, I’m hoping I can turn mine into a habit which is why I’ve decided to start early in the day on the things I want to work on. My word or...