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Day 16: more family fun

I guess I’m really going to need to work on my titles. This is the 2nd time this month I’ve come up with “family fun”. Pretty lame! Oh well, it’s true! It’s really the only time they’ll let me take photos!

Day 15 – playing a little catch up

I didn’t get a chance to post yesterday but I did create a layout, and one today so you’ll get a two-fer in this post. First yesterday’s: And now today’s: Christmas in March? I can do that because it’s snowing!! Aggh!

Throwback Thursday: November 2011 edition.

Jumping back on the bandwagon today – yesterday proved to be too busy but I did manage to squeeze this one in today. It’s from November 2011 – Molly’s 3rd grade field trip to Plimoth Plantation (a very, VERY wet day): I’m liking the...

Day 10, losing a little steam

10 days into the month and I’m still in the game. I almost feel like I cheated a little today. I used a template (bought on sale last weekend!), barely changed a thing and called it done. Good enough. Thanks to Kayleigh of Designer Digitals for doing all the...

Day 9: Currently…

I came across an older layout that I did a few years ago  – no photos, titled Currently with some prompts. Perfect for a day when I’m lacking in inspiration! And yes, I’m a little obsessed with our weather at the moment 🙂 Here’s the layout that...