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I’ve been MIA from this blog for a while – working on the living part, rather than the scrapping part of my “live.scrap.repeat” mantra. I have been scrapping a bit but I can’t share most of them. I do have a few scrappy projects to share before I head off with the family for a little vacay to NYC! I’m so excited to check out a lot of the typical tourist attractions that I missed on all my other trips to NYC (like the Statue of Liberty and Central Park).

My dad is visiting also so we’ve been doing a lot of stuff together (mostly gardening!) but we did have a lovely hike with the kids around a local lake:

Full credits can be found at Designer Digitals.

I guest blogged at Scrapbook & Cards Today blog on Tuesday with some tips on using digital word art on your layouts — you can check it out here.

The Scrap Review has a week long of Tattered Angels posts – some of the other team members and I played with some glimmer mist and other TA products and you can see the results on the site. There’s also a giveaway so leave a comment on the posts for a chance to win! Here’s one of my projects – way out of my box but it was fun. I’m not sure that I’ll be doing it again though!

Now I’m off to finish packing!