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I’ve been wanting to do something with a chipboard house that I picked up last summer but could never really figure out what I wanted to do. Then I started playing with my Core’dinations cardstock and my Fiskars texture plates (the ones I bought a gazillion years ago that I could never figure out how to use, until I bought a big shot). That was fun, but then I had another problem – and here’s where I run into difficulties when scrapbooking. Unless I have a story to go along with the photos, the layout will sit, and sit, and sit. And really, this was all about the cute Fancy Pants chipboard house. Soooooo, I decided to put some photos into the windows of the house. Ok. Now I’ve got photos, what’s the story? No story, just kids being cute. Hmm…that doesn’t help me finish this layout. What about a quote? Good thinking. Off to find a quote. I know there’s something out there about children, laughter, and homes. Right? It took me f.o.r.e.v.e.r to find a quote! But then I did. And I finally finished this layout. It was fun but took waaaaay longer than it should have. Maybe I should just stick to layouts that have a story, on the page rather than behind the page?

In other news – check out the Jenni Bowlin studio inspiration blog today! 😀

I decided to update my blog header. I love this family portrait that Molly drew but I’m not sure I’m doing it justice here!