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I like to try new things. They don’t always go as planned but it makes me feel better to have tried them. My latest experiment involved printing photos directly onto cardstock and also using a digital template as the basis for a paper layout. I decided to try using Lynn Grieveson’s Scrap Express No. 36 template as a sketch and printed my photos directly onto Core’dinations cardstock. I wanted one of my photos to pop a little more so I added a digital frame and printed that out on photo paper, layering the result directly over the cardstock photo.

I think if you click on it you can see it better – in any case, please excuse the pun in the title. It’s a disease I tell ya! But look Ma, no green!

I got even more adventurous and tried out my new Making Memories Slice embossing tips (a birthday pressie from Celeste – thanks C!!) on the open space and also added snowflakes that I cut with my slice.

Supplies: Core’dinations cardstock, Piggy Tales patterned papers and chipboard, MM Slice Fa la la cartridge, Curled photo frames by Katie Pertiet, ScrapExpress No 36 by Lynn Grieveson.