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Whew! What a whirlwind the past few days have been. CHA-Summer in Orlando was fun, if a lot smaller than other years. Despite the smaller size, it still took Emily and I two full days to walk the show floor because we really examined all the booths we went into. We were looking for trends and definitely saw quite a few – specifically the prevalence of fun, cutesy, cartoon-like designs. I also saw a lot of pears on papers and lots of food themed items. Another thing I noticed was that tiny was BIG! Lot of manufacturers are coming out with little alphas, tiny embellishments etc. I’ll be reporting on a few specific booths at the Scrap Review over the next week — don’t forget to head over there to see all the posts on CHA.

Finally I’m going to leave you with a layout. Digi scrapping and laptops are awesome – I forgot my book but to entertain myself I whipped this one up on the plane. Em and MK – you were wonderful roomies!

Credits can be found here.