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Yes, it’s been months since I posted and yes, it’s been months since I scrapped or did anything creative. Too much work, not enough willing subjects and not enough time is to blame. Yesterday I was reminded by my old pals Celeste Smith and Doris Sander that it’s time for Calvinball (remember that?).

Celeste posted this photo that I doctored many years ago where I slapped Celeste’s head on Molly’s body when she was super-girl for Halloween (back in 2008) – see the original cuteness here (they both went with the super hero theme, weren’t they adorable?)


Anyhoo, the upshot of all this is that they’ve started playing Calvinball on GetItScrapped. I’m not sure I have it in me to participate but I am going to try to do a layout every day this month. I’ve even started! Here’s my first layout (it’s also my first layout this YEAR – gasp!). I did a little shopping at Designer Digitals to get my mojo going:



I’m hoping to stick with it for the month…maybe it will take my mind off all the snow.