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Happy Monday friends! It’s time for a new inspiration challenge. I picked up this postcard at the Postal Museum in Washington DC and thought it would translate into a fun layout:


I liked the slant and how the spaces had fun little frames in some of the placeholders. Here’s my interpretation:


Scenes from a much warmer time. I’m so done with winter – this after getting another ton of snow dumped on us last Friday. Hopefully Spring with make an appearance soon – I’m tried of winter boots and coats. I want to get out and walk!

I dropped off the Calvinball/blog wagon last week – I had a lot of work that drained my creativity. I hope I’ll get my mojo back this week!

CalvinBlog points so far: 5.5
Calvinball: 26.5 pts
Layouts: 6 pt
Mini-album pages: 6.5 pt
Art Journal pages: 10 pt
Altered projects: 2 pt
Cards: 2 pt

Bonus points (from last week): 3 pts
Weekly bonus points: using a new technique (making my own decorative tape) – 1pt
Weekly bonus points: scrappy shopping expedition – 1pt
Weekly bonus points: scrapping/crafting in public – 1pt