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Happy Columbus day everyone! We  have a day off here – or at least those of us who go to school do 😉 Fall has definitely arrived in the Northeast – the days are getting chilly, the leaves have all turned and you can sense that winter is on the way. More time for creating then, right? Let’s hope!

This week I was inspired by a book cover – I actually saw the front of the book and while googling images of it, I found the entire jacket which was even more inspiring. I love the frame arrangement and the font work was pretty cool too:

I loved that blue background and tried something similar on my interpretation. It makes me want to go out an buy a bunch of shadow boxes to arrange on a wall…however, I’m going to have to be content with a scrapbook layout for now. This is from our trip this week to the Topsfield Fair. I almost didn’t go – to think I would have missed out on the pig racing if I didn’t – oh the horrors!

Check it out – it’s another 2-pager! Gasp! I didn’t quite follow my inspiration piece exactly but you can see the influence. I’m rather pleased with my blended photo – I take photos of things from far away and sometimes it’s hard to know how to use them. It’s definitely more of a background photo.

Do you do two-pagers? I would say that I rarely do them but here I am doing the 2nd one in as many weeks. It’s fun to mix things up every now and again.