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Seriously? I’m a big fan of digital templates. There are so many different styles of templates available right now that there is something for everyone. I’ve always been a minimalistic embellisher – I was in awe of people who could find all the right embellishments for a page when I struggled with putting one, or three (always odd!) things on a page. Now there are layered templates that come pre-embellished with just the right touches. Granted, I often find myself removing half of them but still, I love the fact that they are mostly done, and I can still add my own touches.

Supplies from Designer Digitals

Take this layout for example. I used the new Studio DD Layer Works No. 182 template – coming soon to the Designer Digitals store. I had some not-so-great photos from our attempt to watch a parade on Patriots Day. It was originally titled bring on the love and I changed it to bring on the parade. Templates like this always make it easier for me to use my less-than-stellar photos. The cluster has photos overlapping which conceals parts that aren’t so good. And it’s a simple matter to recolor or replace elements that don’t work as they are in the template. Another event scrapped, thanks to layered digital templates!