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Happy Patriot’s Day everyone! Here in New England we are commemorating the opening battle of the American Revolutionary War, April 19, 1775. That, and the Boston marathon. 🙂  My kids are on Spring break so there’s not much time for scrapping so I found inspiration online this week –I found this challenge at Designer Digitals. Did you know that they post 3 new challenges every week, with a freebie inspired by the challenge? This week’s template inspiration challenge was inspired by this ad:

Katie provided a wonderful template based on this ad and I used it here. Easy breezy! I did make a few changes to make it my own of course. I’m especially loving the new Banner Twine Templates:

Supplies are from Designer Digitals.

Oh and by the way, there’s a paper pack and template sale going on right now at Designer Digitals – there’s over 3200 items 30% off! The Sale will run from 5pm EST April 13th thru 6am EST Saturday, April 21st.