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Happy Monday everyone. This week we have a very different kind of inspiration. I was flipping through some home decor catalogs and found myself mentally translating the layouts of the rooms into scrapbook layouts (hmm, I think I might have  a problem!). Check out this page from a cb2 catalog:

I thought the couch would be the idea place for a photo strip or cluster. The arrangement of mirrors could be translated into a decorative background, and the rug could be patterned paper. You can see what I mean below:

Supplies are from Designer Digitals.

I didn’t do a second interpretation because we had the most glorious day yesterday and I spent it outside! So, what do you think? Does this inspiration piece speak to you? I’d love to see what you do. I loved the takes on last week’s inspiration piece – thanks for playing along! Leave me a comment if you link up here so I’ll know to check it out.