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One of my new year’s projects was the idea of doing a monthly “currently” layout. I borrowed the idea from my buddy Emily because I was so inspired by her beautiful photo-less layouts (if I can find one, I’ll link it up). Basically the idea is to answer the following questions once a month and at the end of the year you will have a view of your life throughout the year.


  • Enjoying
  • Wanting
  • Thinking
  • Weather
  • Drinking
  • Needing
  • Wearing
  • Wondering
  • Listening.

I’ve done it for the past 3 months but only got around to scanning those layouts today 🙂

Here’s March:

Design was inspired by the chipboard talk bubbles. I was so proud of myself for busting out my stamps and then I went and stamped the same word twice. Oops! It is what it is, right? Just got to embrace the imperfection.

On to February:

This time I busted out the sewing machine. Watch me go! And finally, January – jumping on the banner trend.

Add one Calvinball point for my March layout. Now time for some family fun – see you later!