Despite the fact that my fellow competitors have gotten awfully quiet of late, this game of Calvinball is still going. Today I whipped out two (super cute if I do say so myself) layouts for Jillibean Soup. Unfortunately I can’t share them yet – they’re for my April contribution to the Jillibean Soup blog. But, I can share a layout I created yesterday, celebrating my son’s new-found interest in the TV show “Liberty’s Kids“. He denied any interest in it for weeks but his sister wanted to watch it and he got sucked in. Now he’s divided up his Lego mini-figs into the Patriots (all the best ones) and the British army (the not-so-good mini-figs). It’s hilarious to watch him play:
Supplies from Designer Digitals
Now I think I’ll go try to find out what my fellow Calvinball players are up to…Happy Friday everyone!
You SHOULD be saying cute! I laughed out loud at this one. YOur son…hat a fab kid. Love it. Your Irish genes are shoing…I had an ancestor come over to the US from Ireland JUST to fight the Brits. (OK, and to avoid being lynched by said British, but that’s neither here nor there, eh?)