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I’m a huge fan of Pinterest – I’ve found so many interesting and inspiring things on there, and I’ve actually made things inspired by some of my pins. I pinned this image months ago and have been meaning to do my own interpretation of our family dates. I finally got around to doing it for this week’s Hybrid Scrapbooking & More post on the Designer Digitals blog.

I created an 8×10 canvas in Photoshop, added our dates (birth dates and wedding day):

Full supply list can be found at Designer Digitals.

I played around with blend modes and opacity because I wanted the background to show through a little through the numbers. I just love the wooden background paper. I think this would be very cool printed on a canvas but I printed it out on photo paper and framed it.

I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. I even like that the numbers extend past the 8×10 canvas (I printed it on an 8.5×11 sheet). We’ll call that a happy accident!

Are you on Pinterest? Let me know if you are so I can follow you. Click on the link in my sidebar if you want to follow me!