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I know, it’s already January 3rd but I don’t know about you, I find it hard to make that fresh start on January 1st. There’s still parties and open houses and decorations to deal with. I need a few days to get sorted. So I’ve moved my fresh start to January 3rd and here we are.

Looking back, 2011 was a pretty good year. There weren’t any huge life-changing events but we did some fun things – I went to Vegas and Chicago. The whole family went to Ireland. We had a few family fun days and went to our first Red Sox game as a family. All things I’d like to do again. Here’s our year in review that I did for the template challenge at Designer Digitals:

Supplies can be found at Designer Digitals.

Looking forward, I have lots of plans for 2012. I took last year off from any 365/photo projects and this year I’m going to try taking a photo every day. My plan right now is to take an iPhone photo every day if possible. Not sure how that is going to work outside of the country but we’ll see when/if that happens. I’m also hoping to keep up a project that I started with the whole family last November – a gratitude journal of sorts. In November I asked everybody in the family to write down one thing they were thankful for that day. We didn’t make it through the entire month but it was definitely a worthwhile project. I pulled our list into layout for the January Write.Click.Scrapbook gallery:

I got a cheapy planner from the Target dollar spot and am filling in my daily gratitude each day. I’ll try to get the whole family on board again in November.

These are two low-stress projects that I’m undertaking – I’ve deliberately made it easy on myself. I’ve done project 365 twice before and I know in order to keep up,  I have to make things easy.

And finally, I’ve picked a word for the year: Attitude. Although I can’t always control what happens to me,  I can control is my attitude to it. I’ve set up a Pinterest board to collect quotes about my one little word. I think my next project will have to create some art with my word to remind myself.

How about you? What are your plans for 2012?