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Following the tradition that my friend Vivian started a number of years ago, here’s my favorite layouts from 2011, in no particular order (including paper and digital). I definitely didn’t scrap as much this year as I’ve done other years. And I certainly didn’t take as many photos (didn’t do project 365 this year).

I really got into paint splatters this year. I think this was the start of it:

From our annual trip Ireland, which was rainier than other years.

This was done for a review of Fancy Pants Back to School line. I found it hysterical that Tommy is wearing the same shorts on both the first and last days of school.

Happy memories of a date with hubby. Chocolate and m favorite guy – can’t go wrong! Oh and those Jillibean goodies – yum!

M’s 8th birthday party – I love how many photos I got on here.

More of Molly missing those front teeth. So cute! Makes up for the snow. Almost.

The first of a number of photo-less layouts I did this year — I used a stock photo in this particular one. I’ve been telling people this story for years, it’s nice to get it down on paper.

More snow. And check it out – misting!

Pretty simple but with clever (I think) details. The minuteman walking across the baseball field cracked me up 🙂 Oh and more paint splatters.

Clean and crisp. Happy. It was a happy day 🙂

Multi-photo (or no photo) layouts seems to be my theme for 2011. Paint splatters, a little blending and photo clusters are my go-to techniques or products. Have you found a theme in your favorite layouts from this past year? Link me up if you do your own top 10 post – I’d love to see them!