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Halloween? It’s just not right, we’re not supposed to have snow in October? I really hope this isn’t a sign of the winter ahead. I’m writing this from a friend’s house because she has power. We don’t. Not since yesterday. Despite the snow, and the cold, we’re in the Halloween spirit around here. I used my Silhouette SD to make some vinyl decorations for my kitchen using some digital brushes from Designer Digitals:

I used Katie Pertiet’s Haunted Words Brushes and Stamps. I also used Art Warehouse Trickery Brushes and Stamps for the next two decorations.

I think they look great on my off-white kitchen cabinets. In other kitchen/halloween happenings, I found lots of inspiration on Pinterest for the various Halloween parties we’ve been to already:

The witch cupcakes I found at: Sweet Simple Stuff. Because we are without power, I won’t be posting the ad challenge this week – unless power comes back before Monday.