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Wow! I can’t believe I’m up to challenge # 18 already! Time flies when you are having fun! I’m really enjoying doing these layouts because they give me a deadline each week to scrap something — it’s definitely making me more productive than if I just wait for inspiration to hit!

This is another one of my travel magazine finds.

This is a pretty clean and simple on but there’s lots of room to add your own spin on it. I liked the narrow strips of photos — in my interpretation I filled them with photos and patterned paper. I really like how the ad uses lots of labels. I need to file that idea away for another time — scrapping labels of current faves (clothing, foods etc).

I had fun playing with some new Core’dinations Kraft Core. I sanded where I printed the title (Ali Edwards – Hello Life brushes and stamps) and circle embellishment so you can see the kraft under there. Fun stuff. The patterned paper is Jillibean Soup (Watermelon Gazpacho). 

As always I’d love to see how this, or any of the earlier ads inspires you. Link me up if they do! Happy scrapping 🙂