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Now that I’m doing this ad inspiration challenge again, I find myself flipping through every magazine I come across. I don’t even look at the articles, I skip past them in favor of the ads. A new one arrived in our house on Saturday and I was thrilled to rip six pages from it on my first sitting! That where this next ad came from.

I liked the grid of photos over the bigger photo. I also like how the bottom photo faded into the background. I knew straight away that I wanted to mimic that look:

Supplies from Designer Digitals

As always, I’d love to see how this inspires you. This could easily be a paper page if you don’t including the large background photo — it could be replaced with fun patterned paper for example. Let me know if you do –  I always love to read your comments.

A few more things:

  • Check out my Spawn of True Scrap post below –I’ve got one spot to giveaway for the event. All you have to do is leave a comment before next Sunday (the 18th).
  • There are a few days left to avail of the special offer from Deco Boards — details are in the blog post. I’ve been really happy with mine!

 Stay tuned for more giveaways! Have a great week!