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I don’t do a whole lot of 2-page layout but I do when I have a lot of photos I want to use. Case in point: photos from a fair we went to two years ago. None of them were stellar, and in a strange way, I feel like I needed to use more of the photos because none of the photos individually were calling out to be scrapped. So there they sat, on my hard-drive until I saw a new Studio DD layer works template (#67) and thought I could turn it into a two-pager. Here’s the first page:-

For the second page I copied a number of the elements (the block, the strips, the spot dot brushwork), added another frame from the same set (photo cluster no 29). I also flipped one of the twigs and placed it on the far right of the layout so that both pages were “framed” by leaves.

I loved how quickly this came together using the template as a base. Have you ever done something like this? I think I’ll be doing it again. It feels good to have a layout done with photos from 2009!