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I’ve been under the weather for the past few days. Coughing. I saw the following tweet and was happy to find out there there is a positive side to the illness:

If you cough hard enough for long enough, you’ll get a great ab workout. #upsides

I’m on the road to recovery, having suffered through a few days of spacey-headedness due to cough medicine – not a feeling I enjoy, can’t believe people do that for fun! It slowed me down but I’m still plodding away at Calvinball – my point count right now stands at 39. Celeste is somewhere in the 60s (62 is the last post on her blog) and I don’t have an update for the others right now. We’ll have to reconvene later this weekend. In any case I’m going to share a few layouts I made since I last posted:

Supplies from Designer Digitals

Supplies from Desginer Digitals

Supplies from Designer Digitals

I’ll save some of the other for another blog post since it’s whole project that I’m working on. More on that later! Back to work!