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Big news! I’m very excited to be officially part of the Write.Click.Scrapbook collective. It’s no secret that Simple Scrapbooks was my all time favorite magazine and I was so disappointed when it closed down. Enter Write.Click.Scrapbook to fill that void – it’s all about scrapbooking to tell the story, it’s about learning about design and photography to help that process, it’s about having fun, and doing it whatever way you want. I’m delighted to be a new member on the 1st anniversary of Write.Click.Scrapbook.

Here’s my layout for this month’s gallery – the theme is One Year Ago:

and look, it’s green!

Just for fun, I’m going to post my first ever layout that was published in Simple Scrapbooks way back in 2006! This was true scrapbooking therapy – I was having a rotten day and decided to put my woes down on paper. I made a scrapbook page, submitted it on a whim and it was published – that definitely improved my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day!

What do you know, that one has green in it too. 😮
Go on, check out the W.C.S. site and the gallery – there’s giveaways scheduled each day this week!