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Advertisements are one of my favorite sources of inspiration for my scrapbook pages. I hosted the ad inspiration challenge in the Pub (on twopeas) for three years, and even though I no longer host it, looking for inspiring ads is a hard habit to break! I still have quite the stash of pages ripped out of magazines stacked up in my binder. Here’s one I found in that pile – I’m going to use this for a Debbie‘s Scrap Your Story #1
I think this will work nicely for a single photo and a lot of text.

How about you? Have you ever used ads as inspiration for your layouts? Look though magazines and even junk mail you have lying around and see if you can find an ad would be a good inspiration piece. Post it on your blog as a reminder to yourself to use it! I’ll be back next Thursday with a new source of inspiration and with my take on this first inspiration piece.