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Ah I love a new month. A chance to start all over again. No matter how bad last month was, this month will be different – right? Let’s hope so 😉 Last month I had great plans to stay on top of all my to-dos, and had dreams of accomplishing all kinds of things but somehow that didn’t work out. So, I reassessed and am trying to figure out what I *want* to do, and *need* to do and am working from there.

I decided to change my word of the year from Learn – which apparently was a bit too much of an undertaking as an everyday task (at least I learned that much ha!) and I’m going to go with Open as my new word. I’m going to try to be open to new ideas and new things. Sounds easy – right? Not so much when you love things to be just-so like I do!

Next up – scrap more! I’ve been doing a lot of talking about scrapping and well, I’m not even sure what I have been doing but I haven’t been actually scrapping. This month I’m doing Layout A Day with Lain Ehmann. So far I’m 2/2 – not to shabby. Actually, right now I’m 4/2 but that’s a story for another day.

My layout for yesterday:credits can be found at: Designer Digitals.

While I was making this I realized that last month I would just have abandoned this because I was expecting it didn’t turn out the way I wanted. This month, I’m calling it done! I’m hoping this will cure my scrappers block I’ve had of late.

And I’ll leave you with one more. This one is for this week’s HMITM – Debi challenged us to use 20 patterned papers and 20 pieces of metal on a layout. The frame is by Katie Pertiet. I had fun with some punches here trying to mimic the design on Molly’s jacket. Oh and I stitched my hand-cut letters – go me!

More on my other February project another day.