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Seriously? How did it get to be the end of October already? The kids have their costumes (I’m using the term loosely with regards to Tommy), I’ve bought candy and we are ready for Halloween. Somehow though, I feel like October slipped by me far too quickly. In my defense, I have been busy – volunteering at school, teaching my first class locally, traveling overseas for a weekend, working (yes! I have a wonderful new job working for Bedford TV), worrying and obsessing (it’s my nature, I can’t help it) along with all the usual things we do every day.

I did manage to squeeze in a bit of scrapbooking however — it just wouldn’t be me if I didn’t, now would it? Here’s one from my trip to Ireland for my friend Tara’s wedding. I got the most awful photos at the wedding because I took my point and shoot – word of advice, if you want photos that are scrapable, don’t use a rinky-dink P&S. Sigh. Fortunately I know a few photo gurus and Mel was able to fix this one up so I could use it (thanks Mel!!):

Credits can be found at Designer Digitals – friends.

And here’s another one I did using Core’dinations and some new October Afternoon. The photos are over a year old but I was holding off to scrap them because I liked them so much. Silly, no?

I went a little overboard with the EK Success scallop punch but I just love those big scallops. I wish the punch didn’t keep sticking on me. Any suggestions on how I can fix that? I generally end up thowing it against the ground a few times to un-stick it and I’m pretty sure that’s not the recommended method!

I just finished up my mini-album for the class I’m teaching in October. I’ll post photos once I get my act together and take them! Until then, have a great week!