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School is in. I cannot begin to explain how relieved I was when this guy got off the bus and gave school two thumbs up:

All that worrying for nothing! Day three and he’s still happy. Whew!

So, while that was happening I’ve gotten time to catch up with all kinds of other things. I even scrapped a little:
That pic is from New Year’s Eve – the kids were doing some crafts and this is what Tommy came up with. What can I say, he takes after his mama 🙂 Credits can be found at: Designer Digitals -he’s crafty.

The next one is of Molly’s birthday party last January. Yup. 9 months ago. The pics are SOOO bad that I didn’t even want to attempt scrapping them but a little time, some of Anna Aspnes fotoblendz and I’ve got a passable layout.

Credits can be found at: Designer Digitals – you are six

In other news: Pam at Kraft Girl Kits has a kit sale running this weekend, Friday through Sunday. Purchase a June, July, August, or September Kit and you can get a November or December Kit for $5. Check out the full details in this blog post.

I’m sure there was something else I was going to share but I just can’t remember what it could be! I hate it when that happens!