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Why is it that after you come back from vacation, you need another vacation? I’ve been caught up in a whirlwind since we came back. We had Tommy’s birthday party — baseball themed of course and true crazy crafter that I am I decided to make a Green Monster (as in Fenway Park) as a decoration. DH tried to talk me out of it (ha!) but I persisted. Thinking how to do it took the longest time but it actually came together pretty quickly. I just got some green felt from Joann’s as the wall and used cardstock and ribbon to make the scoreboard. I cut the letters and numbers out with my Slice (Basics 1 cartridge). The RedSox stuff are magnets – I kinda cheated there. Please excuse the bad photo but the sun was finally shining in New England 😮

Tommy is thrilled with it and we can use it as a decoration in his room! I’m getting back into scrapping again — here’s a digi one staying with the baseball birthday theme 🙂

All supplies are from designer digitals and credits can be found here.

Oh and before I forget, I’m chatting tonight at 9pm EST at Get It Scrapped. It’s my monthly Inspiration Station chat and we’ll be discussing finding inspiration from clothing. Hope to see you there!