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My wonderful friend Kimber just sent me a copy of her new book Scrapbook Secrets (it’s on sale at Amazon right now!).
It’s full of tips, techniques and ideas to make your scrapbooking more productive. I was thrilled to provide the layout for secret number 17 🙂 I just love to see my kiddos in a fun book like this! If you are looking for a fun, new idea book, this might just be what you need!

My latest review is up on the Scrap Review today — this time I played with some Elmer’s Painters. All the rain last week reminded me of these photos, and of course of the black puddle.

I had fun with this super simple layout – those brads started off as silver, would you believe! I’m posting my hybrid challenge/tutorial tomorrow at Get It Scrapped – don’t forget to stop by!