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Check me out – posted as promised! Yay me! Lately I feel like the days have been getting away from me but despite t-ball, visitors and a million other things I did manage to finish my layout for my hybrid tutorial/challenge at Get It Scrapped. You can check out the details in Paula’s Hybrid Corner. I’ve waited a while to tackle this challenge – using brushes, because I wanted people to be more familiar with PS/PSE first.

I used Anna Aspnes’ Abstract Token Days brushes here as an embellishment to my title. I also used Anna’s sketchy multifoto frames no 2. I love being able to get a bunch of photos on a layout so easily. I think I really need to replace the ink in my printer now. OOps!

I just love this color scheme – anytime I get to use blue and green I’m happy. Oh, this fulfills this week’s HMITM challenge also. So what do you say? Do you want to try using a digital brush on your layout? Let me know if you do!