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Is this thing on? Oopsy, it’s been a while since I updated. Lots going on here. I finally figured out how to sync Twitter and Facebook updates so I don’t actually fall off the face of the planet. I’m loving the iGoogle Twitter app too — I was having trouble logging on to Twitter occasionally so the app saves me the trouble. No, I have no idea why I bother doing it. LOL. Apparently I like to over-commit!

I have scrapped a little over the past few weeks. I got myself a Big Shot after hearing that I could use the Fiskars texture plates in them. I bought the texture plates years ago and had never successfully used them with the teeny tiny tool Fiskars provides. In fact, I’ve got a little die cut crazy these days between my Slice, the Squeeze tool and the Big Shot. Who knew they could be so much fun! I recently got a bunch of Core’dinations cardstock – it’s perfect for cutting and embossing. I cut the tree trunk out using my Slice tool (fall cartridge) and then embossed it using the fiskars woodgrain texture, crumpled it up and sanded it for effect. So much fun! I always said I’m not a technique person but that really was fun. I also embossed the green cardstock with a leaf texture plate and sanded that one also. I went a little (more) nuts and cut out the tree shape using scalloped scissors and distressed the edges also. Now confession time – I went through my photos trying to find something that would work with a tree theme. It’s a little lame but hey, I scrapped some more photos 🙂

Supplies: Core’dinations, Pink Paislee paper, Cosmo Cricket alpha.

And then I had even more fun. I played with my sewing maching again and tried to recreate Lynn Grieveson’s ripped and stitched strips using Core’dinations (because the torn bits look so pretty!)
Even more Core’dinations mania follows. I think I have a problem. 😮 I should have lightened up the color of this a bit in photoshop because it scanned a little off. Oh well. The photo collage template is from Scrapbooks Etc and I cut out the leaves using my Slice again (fall cartridge). The title letters are also done using the Slice (noteworthy cartridge) and I used my dymo label maker for the journaling (I’ve been meaning to do that for ages but never got around to doing it!).
I’m going to leave you with another layout – digi this time (whew!, I hear you say). This is the first layout I’ve done for a project that I really need to get working on. I’m doing a book for my dad’s 70th birthday next month — I’m really hoping that he doesn’t read this blog!! Anyhoo, I made this one for the new heritage challenge over at Designer Digitals. Credit can be found here.

I’ve got some other tid-bits to share but they will have to wait until tomorrow. This post is far too long already! Happy Earth Day!