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Ack, I’m feeling a little brain dead right now and can’t come up with a clever title. Instead I’ll just post my hybrid layout that I promised yesterday.
I had a request for instructions on how to make a photo-strips so that is the subject of this week’s challenge over on GetItScrapped/ Jet on over there for full instructions on how to do this using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.

Speaking of GetItScrapped, Dina‘s Art Journaling class has just started and Pattie is gearing up for her next class (Mad Digital Skillz) which starts March 9th. There’s still time to get into both of them!

I also spent a bit of time today playing with some new goodies in the DD store. I just love the new ripped and stitched strips by Lynn Grieveson. I’m not sure I’ll ever be brave enough to try this for real with paper (although I did bust out the sewing machine for the layout above – go me!).

Full credits can be found here.

Hope you are all having a good week. Stay warm – it’s freezing around here!