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I like to send e-cards to friends and family for Valentine’s day – usually because I’m running a little behind but hey, it helps saves a tree – right? I did a variation on this card last year where I had the kids hold a blank heart, but this year I added photos to the heart rather than just text. I think it’s a fun effect. Of course nobody would cooperate for when I was taking the photos so this was the best I could come up with!

Credits can be found here.

In other Valentine’s news – check out the Scrapbook & Cards today blog – one of my layouts is featured in today’s blog post!

I just heard from Pam over at Kraft Girl Kits – she is doing a giveaway of a couple packs of kraft cardstock tomorrow, Friday the 13th (it will last through Valentine’s Day). All people need to do to be eligible is to leave a comment on the blog about what they love:) She said that she will throw in some extra goodies in the boxes with the cardstock. Go check it out!