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That’s me, right now. I’m all about the circles. I posted a new challenge over on on putting text around a circle. Here’s my take on the challenge:

I used October Afternoon Good Cheer papers, Collage Press alphas, American Crafts (bird) and Heidi Swapp (star) chipboard. The sparkly brads are by Doodlebug. Oh and I used my Slice to cut the trees 😀 Go check out the challenge – I’ve included instructions on how to do this technique in Word, Photoshop and PhotoshopElements, so there’s no excuses for not playing along. Except if you’re busy and I mean, who is busy these days? LOL.

In other news, it’s my turn for the spotlight at BellaBlvd. Check it out here. It was my first time designing for a manufacturer and it was a lot of fun! They are also having a call for Bella Artistas — you have until Jan 14th to apply.