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Can you believe it? December already? November went by in a flurry of activity – challenges, calvinball and sickness. Most of that is over now, thank goodness. I am sorry to report that the final Calvinball stats are as follows:

Yup. We gave it our best shot but she still beat our combined score. She is not human. Us mere mortals didn’t stand a chance against her scrappiness. On the other hand I managed to make several calendars, mini albums, cards and layouts and I’m pretty happy about that!

I was delighted to be asked by Mellypea over on 2peas to participate in the November Pea Profile. She sent me some goodies and asked me to post my layouts on November 25 – here they are:

Molly’s favorite doll. She told me the other day that she wished the whole world was make of Millicents. I agreed that would be pretty sweet – a nice, soft and cosy world sounds good to me!

And then, general cuteness:

Pastels aren’t really me but I do like the look on kraft. And hey, I even busted out my sewing machine.

I’ve been creating layouts calendars like crazy using lots of templates from Designer Digitals for my layouts. I’m going to try to set up a slideshow in my next post to show a few of them.

Oh and my favorite creation this month was this mini album:

It’s simple and pretty goofy but it makes me happy to look at it, and that’s what it’s all about after all, isn’t it?

Now I’m off to take photos of our two advent calendars – will post photos of those tomorrow, along with my next hybrid tip/challenge for it Scrapped!