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Art journaling is something that I’ve always wanted to try but I’ve been too intimidated — I always thought you needed to be “arty” or at least be able to draw. Not so, according to Dina Wakley – a fabulous art journaler who I am thrilled to have met in person. Check out this sample of her work:

Dina is teaching a class – Art Journaling 101 at You can bet that I will be taking it! I’ve already bought my supplies – venturing into previously unexplored aisles in the craft store 🙂 One really cool thing about the class it is that Dina will be doing some video of techniques – it will be so great to actually see things in action. Class starts next Tuesday, October 20th and I am giving away one class pass! All you need to do is to post a comment here to be entered into the drawing on Saturday.