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Friday evening ended with a Designer Digitals get together – that crew really knows how to have fun! I think Debbie Hodge‘s description of Pattie Knox was the best I’ve heard — she is a force! We kept bumping into her all over the show floor – I think at the end she was happier knowing me when I didn’t talk so much 🙂 Here’s a group shot of all the lovely ladies who made it to CHA.

We hung out for a long time at the Hyatt, chatting and getting to know each other. Thanks to Katie and Randy for their wonderful hospitality.

We were up and at ’em bright and early on Saturday morning. We were determined to do more make & takes and see more products. And we did – I didn’t get many photos unfortunately. We checked out Black Market Paper Society – a new company at the show that had some interesting textures. Emily had used it (some of her layouts, those of the rest of the Scrapbook Destination DT were on display) and she raved about how easy it was to tear.
We moved around the corner to Coredinations and did a m&t there – very fun to work with the color cored cardstock. The next notable one for me was the Jenni Bowlin booth where I met Doris. I had a peek around – lots of cool stuff there including crepe ribbon. I did get a shot of one of Miss Rita‘s layouts:

Beautiful stuff in the booth!

We also checked out Glitz but my eye was drawn over to the Sonburn booth – there were a few lines that I really liked – Eco Chic and Olivia (I *think* that’s the name) were my favorites. We were marveling at how my top matched the papers – so I had to get a pic of me with the papers.

Later on we checked out Fancy Pants – loved the colors in their new lines. I was also in love with some of the new thicker fonts and other goodies at the AC booth. I was surprised by how much I loved all the Tim Holtz grundgeboard stuff – great alphas (beautifully displayed, I’m kicking myself for not taking photos!!) and adorable icons. Definitely must-haves. The KI booth wasn’t as big as last year but I loved their display of lace cardstock (especially the butterflies) and sheer delights. There was a blue and green geometric print one calling my name!

I think I might have to do another post to wrap this up!