And I’m feeling uninspired. I’m stealing this idea from Kimber who stole it from someone else 🙂
What Paula Means |
![]() You are influential and persuasive. You tend to have a lot of power over people. Generally, you use your powers for good. You excel at solving other people’s problems. Occasionally, you do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in your interest. You are usually the best at everything … you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic “Type A” personality. You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you’re so lucky, you don’t really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You’re sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don’t get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. |
It’s so interesting to read all of these! My mom’s name is also Paula and I think this is about 99% accurate for her. I’ve got to say that your HOF win was NOT luck, but talent.
i agree… HOF was NOT luck. talent babe!
also, so glad you use your powers for good and not evil. 😉
and you won the simple studio blog challenge. i think you are not reading that correctly. 🙂
muwax is my word verification for today. i find that quite funny. a strange kind of kiss. muwax!