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A new month is upon us – hurray! We are inching closer to summer and warmer weather. I love it when the temp is around 70 with blue skies…then why am I living in New England you might ask? Good question! In any case May is a good month for that kind of weather and the very idea of it makes me happy.

I’ve been scrapping up a storm this week. I go through lulls where I think I’ll never make a page again so when the feeling is with me I like to go ahead and scrap! Here’s a few I did this week. This one I did for the journaler’s junction challenge this week – write a six word memoir (I combined it with CathyZ‘s color challenge over on the Simple Studio blog:

I’m so enamored with the six-word memoir idea that I had to do another – this one is digital.

Here’s one I did for Debbie Hodge’s Scrap your Events class. I laugh out loud every time I look at this. If it weren’t for Debbie I don’t think I would have even scrapped this and I love it! Thanks Debbie!

And finally, my favorite one of the week. I did this for Cathy Z’s type challenge and combined it with a challenge at to use your scraps. Yeah, I know I’ve got a challenge problem – but it works for me!

Now I’m off to work on an album for Molly’s teacher. Happy Scrapping!