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I went to a crop this weekend – my second one ever. The idea of cropping has never really appealed to me, I like the idea of having all my stuff around me…I tend to change my mind about what I am going to use…a lot. But Celeste asked me if I’d like to go to a benefit crop (the Crop for Cure) and I jumped at the chance – we’ve never had the opportunity to hang out in person before, even though I’ve “known” her for almost 3 years. I’m glad Suzy and I went — thanks Suz! We had a blast – meeting up with online friends (Rose Ann, Christi among other) and being surrounded by scrappy stuff (the bowls M&Ms and Swedish fish at the table didn’t hurt either). I was very pleased with my output – I almost finished 3 layouts. Not too shabby considering my photo order hadn’t come in and I was working with a few photos that I managed to print out on Friday. The first one was for a challenge that Celeste posted — using a really cool inspiration piece. It was a good crop layout – not too much thinking required and it kept me busy looking through my stash of white alphas that I brought. Thank goodness I finally noticed the perspective option in the Crop tool in PS – it really helps with lumpy scans like this one!

I used the latest Studio Calico kit for the next one – I even used that deer paper that I found overwhelming at first. I really like this even though Celeste wasn’t convinced that the title works 🙂 The scan is a wee bit crooked but I’m too lazy to mess with it anymore.

And what kind of scappers would be be if we didn’t get a few photos together? This is one of my favorites. The second one cracks me up – I just wish it wasn’t blurry but I suspect that Suzy was laughing just has hard as we were — not so good when you are the photographer!

Happy scrapping!