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One year ago today Creating Keepsakes announced the 2007 HOF winners. Even though days had passed since Lisa called, I still didn’t quite believe that I had won until the list went up on the CK site. I entered solely to see if I could complete the assignments and package up my entry. I thought that was an accomplishment in and of itself. Everyone should print out their layouts in 5×5 – they look so cute!! I never (truly!) believed for one minute that I would win…I thought getting an honorable mention would be pretty amazing. I’ve read CK for years and winning a spot was not something I ever aspired to – that was for the scrapping super-stars like AliE and CathyZ. Not me. But never say never – you can read my call story here. Just promise me you won’t look at my headshot (yuck!) or listen to the call -I do not sound that squeaky in real life, although it will give you an idea of how unexpected the call was — all I could say was “I’m in shock”, oh and my kids would not stop yakking in the background.

Here’s a few of my favorite layouts from my entry: